[UNFINISHED] Space Fruit (Java / OpenGL / Android Game)

Aug 1, 2013 by     Comments Off on [UNFINISHED] Space Fruit (Java / OpenGL / Android Game)    Posted under: Games, Old / Unfinished Work

Space Fruit was going to be my first attempt in the mobile games market using the native Android SDK / Java (I previously started other projects for mobile devices using AS3 / Adobe Air / Starling). Development on Space Fruit began in April 2012.

Space Fruit

Space Fruit never saw completion, however it was a very important game in terms of introducing me to coding natively for Android. During development, I learned much about many of the important aspects that go into mobile game development – multi-resolution graphics, the Android app life-cycle, mobile optimizations, and most importantly, coding with OpenGL (Space Fruit did not use an existing framework).

Space Fruit Space Fruit Space Fruit

Space Fruit Space Fruit Space Fruit

All artwork, animation, and programming was done by myself using Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, and Eclipse.

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Welcome to my game development portfolio!

I'm an independent game developer proficient in Java and AS2/AS3. I've worked with the LibGDX and Starling frameworks to build games/apps for the web, Android, and iOS.

Read more about me on the about page or click here to see my resumé.