
I lost this game :(My name is Ralph Damiano and this is my game development portfolio.  I am an independent game developer primarily focused on web/mobile games.

I graduated from Western CT State University in May 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

Throughout my schooling, I worked as a solo indie game developer as my part-time job.  Over this period of time, I had multiple web games developed, sponsored, and released.  These games were created solely by myself – design, programming, and art/animation.

While I’ve primarily used ActionScript 3 / the Starling framework to program my games, I am also proficient with Java and am currently working with the Android SDK / LibGDX library to release mobile games to Android and iOS.

Even though I dabble in nearly all aspects of game development, I primarily think of myself as a programmer.  I enjoy the process of developing clean, optimized, and efficient code to bring games to life – including working with things like GPU-accelerated graphics, learning new algorithms, developing level editors, and creating artificial intelligence for things like racing or platforming games.


Welcome to my game development portfolio!

I'm an independent game developer proficient in Java and AS2/AS3. I've worked with the LibGDX and Starling frameworks to build games/apps for the web, Android, and iOS.

Read more about me on the about page or click here to see my resumé.